Sunday 8 June 2014

Nuke those idiots

I am sick to my back teeth of freakS on godaddy auctions bidding up auctions so much that expired domains are now incredibly and stupidly expensive that their is no return on investment with buying expired domains to rank sites anymore! Honestly I am fed up and in fact I will be from now on negative seo'ing and contacting linkers to expired domains telling them they should remove the dead link from their site for auctions I lose from now on... I hate the proxy bidders and the fact that only the rich can survive!!!!!!! IT IS WAR! i DONT CARE IF YOU SAY THIS IS IMMORAL.. IT AINT ILLEGAL AND SEO'S HAVE ANNOYED ME ENOUGH ITS ABOUT TIME I GOT REVENGE!

PS, I bid and lose now ona  lot of auctions... atleast I bid up people and make them pay more even so.... I will be firing up gsa search engine ranker and will be destroying the expired domain and the "money" site the expired domian links to..... YOU ALL HAVE BEEN WARNED BLACKHATS!!!